Non-manipulative care, great for pain sensitive people | Manipulation soreness, side-effects can occur |
Highly individualized care | Generalized manipulations and drugs that can mask underlying causes |
Address the cause of emotional, physiological, physical and neurological disorders | Address symptoms only |
Preventive care | Symptom based care |
Symptoms not necessary for treatment | Symptom based care |
Modern scientific approach (validated scientific research) | Outdated techniques and procedures |
Address wide variety of health disorders | Address musculoskeletal/pain disorders |
Drugless treatment | Toxic drugs or medicines with dangerous side-effects |
Treatment directed to root cause | Symptom based care |
Holistic integrative approach | Segmental approach |
30 to 60 min routine treatment | 5 to 7 min routine treatment |
1 visit per week typical | 2 to 4 visits per week typical |
30 min visit $125 | 5 to 7 minute visit $40 to $70 |
No insurance hassles | Insurance hassles (visit limits, non-payment issues, restrictive care, etc.) |
You choose the amount of care you want | Restrictive care |
Nutritional and emotional support | Manipulations, drugs, medicine only |
X-rays not mandatory for treatment | X-rays are routine part of treatment (radiation exposure risk) |
Published by brain-bodyconnect.com Dr Russell Tagg, is a 1992 graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic. Certified Masters level for Neurologic Integration System (NIS). Practicing in Kennewick, WA, USA View more posts